Z88Aurora® identifies the graphical user interface for the finite element method program Z88, whose solver kernels are developed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Rieg. It is are freeware software project and can be downloaded right here. Certainly only as long as supplies last 😉
Besides linear static analysis, non linear, thermal and thermomechanical as well as natural frequency problems can be solved. A contact module is included as well.
Z88Aurora® has a comfortable graphical user interface plus powerful solver kernels, which help minimizing the initial training effort as well as the required calculation time and ensure ease of use.
Z88Aurora® basically consists of three parts: preprocessor, solver and postprocessor. In the following, you can learn more about these divisions and look at some screenshots of the software.
Import geometry:
- STL files in ASCII- and binary-format (*.STL)
Import FE structures:
FE model generation:
- Two freeware meshers for tetrahedrons:
- One adaptive tetrahedral mesher for existing tetrahedron-structures (linear and quadratic)
- One mapped-mesher for superelement-structures (Hexahedrons, shells, etc.)
- A shell expander which creates volumetric shells out of 2D-shells
- A trimming function to produce a planar cut out of 3D-parts (model reduction)
- A module to create structural elements (Beams, trusses, etc.)
- A picking tool which helps to select nodes and elements easily in order to link surfaces to boundary conditions, material properties, etc.
- An editable and expandable material database consisting of 52 predefined materials
- Definition of boundary condition via the graphical user interface (e.g. by picking a node)
- Different kinds of boundary conditions:
- Forces in all directions
- Displacements in all directions
- Pressure, both in positive and negative direction to the element surface
- Thermal boundary conditions (temperature, heat flux, heat flux density)
Depending on the Z88 module, the solver calculates displacements, stresses, temperatures and nodal forces. Further information can be found at the Z88 modules:
- Visualization of the results based on the Z88Aurora® preprocessing data (displacements, stresses, forces, etc.)
- Filtering of the results and clipping of the part
- Export of single results in .TXT or -CSV-format
- Export of deformed structures in .STL-format
- Visualization of values for single nodes in the analysis function