With Z88Aurora® V2 the possibility to carry out non-linear simulations was introduced. Included are geometric non-linearities as a result of big displacements. This type of non-linearity occurs when drastic changes in the model geometry are caused by the structure’s deformation. Heavily deformed structures have a very high chance of displaying a stiffness behaviour with geometric non-linearities. This is why a non-linear solver should be used to calculate such structures to avoid huge errors concerning the calculated displacements, forces and stresses.
The possibility to simulate material non-linearities was introduced in Z88Aurora® V3. They are a result of high stresses/strains and can be taken into account by providing the solver with addidtional material data, e.g. a stress over strain curve. This gives Z88Aurora® V3 the capability to simulate plastic material behaviour, non-elastic deformations and spring-back effects. Furthermore the calculation of stresses is much more accurate for high loads. Also included is the possibility to calculate internal stresses, that result from a plastic deformation.
Z88Aurora® offers an iterative solver for non-linear calculations. Features include:
Z88V14OS does not offer non-linear analysis options.