The example manuals offer you a step by step tutorial for the calculation of the 20 examples, which are downloaded together with Z88Aurora® V5. You can also find the example manuals at the Z88Aurora® installation path in the directory …/Z88AuroraV5/docu/en/examples/ resp. …/Z88AuroraV5/docu/de/Beispiele/. Alternatively you can download the archive with the manuals here.
The example files contain import files and complete project folders, depending on the way you want to do the examples. You can also find the examples at the Z88Aurora® installation path in the directory …/Z88AuroraV5/docu/examples/. Alternatively you can download the archive with the examples here.
The example manuals offer you a step by step tutorial for the calculation of the six examples, which are downloaded together with Z88Arion®. You can also find the example manuals at the Z88Arion® installation path in the directory …/Z88ArionV2/docu/de/Beispiele/. Alternatively you can download the archive with the manuals here (only in German language).
The example files contain import files and complete project folders, depending on the way you want to do the examples. You can also find the examples at the Z88Arion® installation path in the directory …/Z88ArionV2/docu/examples/. Alternatively you can download the archive with the examples here.
The example videos guide the user through the examples of Z88Arion®. You will not find them at the Z88Arion® installation path, but only on YouTube (german only):
Apposite to the examples in the manual for Z88OS, you can find the example files here. You can also find the examples at the Z88OS installation path in the directory …/z88v15os/examples/. Alternatively you can download the archive with the examples here.